D PRIME 3v3 League 2025
Girl and Boy teams 3rd - 8th grade
Hosted by D-One Prime and Johnson Basketball Training
Fact 1: Why are you paying so much to play on teams / Travel...just to watch your child sit on the bench during games? how can they learn the game if they sit on the bench more than they are out on the floor? Winning now? It can't be about winning now parents...it must be about preparing them now for winning later when it counts...and that's LIFE not just basketball. It's time to teach them the game...not warehouse parents and their income.
DPRIME 3V3 league is here! David Johnson of Johnson Basketball (Director).
Fact 2: TRUST...UIL and College basketball participation on the floor is about TRUST...can the coach trust your child in a game to produce. So even if your child does not start in a game, if a coach trust he or she, that coach will play your child! Know this, it takes more than 1 or 2 players to win a championship...a team isn't merely 5 players...its a bench of players that are smart enough to know what to do with the ball, know where to be when they don't have the ball, know how to communicate on and off the court, and most of all know what hustle and effort is. This is what DPRIME 3V3 offers.
PRIME: Parent Required Involvement Manifests Excellence in their child! Our 3V3 league needs your commitment!
Coach A
The League will consist of 4 weeks game play on Saturdays ending with a one day tournament
15minutes games
Girls play Girls / Boys play Boys
Grade level" 3rd-4th / 5th - 6th / 7th-8th
Teams will consist of only 3 players (No one is ever on the bench unless another team is missing a player, then both teams will have to operate 2V2 with a substitution)
Cost: $180
Add for Training during the week for the 5 league duration: $150 for 1 session a week / $250 for 2 sessions a week
(If you are already Train with D-One or Johnson Basketball, your cost is only the $180)